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Hempstead, TX, 77445, Waller County
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Gober, TX, 75443, Fannin County
Hamilton, TX, 76531, Hamilton County
Livingston, TX, 77351, Polk County
Coleman, TX, 76834, Coleman County
Johnson City, TX, 78636, Blanco County
Hallsville, TX, 75650, Harrison County
San Saba, TX, 76877, San Saba County
Centerville, TX, 75833, Leon County
Morgan, TX, 76671, Bosque County
Linden, TX, 75563, Cass County
Henderson, TX, 75654, Rusk County
Comanche, TX, 76442, Comanche County
Fort Davis, TX, 79734, Jeff Davis County
Goldthwaite, TX, 76844, Mills County
Bullard, TX, 75757, Cherokee County