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Leona, TX, 75850, Leon County
San Saba, TX, 76877, San Saba County
Hamilton, TX, 76531, Hamilton County
Kerrville, TX, 78025, Kerr County
Gatesville, TX, 76528, Coryell County
Marble Falls, TX, 78654, Burnet County
Lampasas, TX, 76550, Lampasas County
Tyler, TX, 75706, Smith County
Burkeville, TX, 77351, Newton County
Alpine, TX, 79830, Brewster County
Eagle Pass, TX, 78852, Maverick County
Hawkins, TX, 75765, Wood County
Sealy, TX, 77474, Austin County
Marathon, TX, 79842, Brewster County
Mineral Wells, TX, 76067, Palo Pinto County
Johnson City, TX, 78636, Blanco County
Fredericksburg, TX, 78624, Gillespie County
Jacksonville, TX, 75766, Cherokee County
Pottsville, TX, 76531, Hamilton County