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Brenham, TX, 77833, Washington County
Teague, TX, 75860, Freestone County
Johnson City, TX, 78636, Blanco County
Crockett, TX, 75835, Houston County
Lovelady, TX, 75851, Houston County
Leakey, TX, 78873, Real County
Lipan, TX, 76462, Erath County
Gorman, TX, 76454, Eastland County
Marble Falls, TX, 78654, Burnet County
Driftwood, TX, 78619, Hays County
Anahuac, TX, 77514, Chambers County
Fredericksburg, TX, 78624, Gillespie County
Yoakum, TX, 77995, Lavaca County
Balch Springs, TX, 75181, Dallas County