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Rocksprings, TX, 78880, Edwards County
Richland Springs, TX, 76871, San Saba County
Cedar Creek, TX, 78612, Bastrop County
Sunset, TX, 76270, Montague County
Hubbard, TX, 76648, Hill County
Fredericksburg, TX, 78624, Gillespie County
Fort Davis, TX, 79734, Jeff Davis County
Clifton, TX, 76634, Bosque County
Vance, TX, 78828, Real County
Clyde, TX, 79510, Callahan County
Liberty Hill, TX, 78642, Williamson County
Vanderpool, TX, 78885, Bandera County
Smithville, TX, 78957, Bastrop County
Johnson City, TX, 78636, Blanco County
Voss, TX, 76888, Coleman County
Crystal City, TX, 78839, Zavala County
Chandler, TX, 75758, Henderson County
Dawson, TX, 76639, Navarro County
Morgan Mill, TX, 76401, Erath County
Winona, TX, 75792, Smith County