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Langtry, TX, 78871, Val Verde County
Yoakum, TX, 77995, Lavaca County
Alpine, TX, 79830, Brewster County
Mobeetie, TX, 79061, Wheeler County
Mount Pleasant, TX, 75455, Titus County
Chandler, TX, 75758, Henderson County
Ben Franklin, TX, 75415, Delta County
Gladewater, TX, 75647, Gregg County
Childress, TX, 79201, Childress County
Junction, TX, 76849, Kimble County
Lampasas, TX, 76550, Lampasas County
Goree, TX, 76363, Knox County
Brackettville, TX, 78832, Kinney County
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Dryden, TX, 78851, Terrell County