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3824 Samson Ave, Dayton, IA, 50530, Webster County
2850 380th Street, Dayton, IA, 50530, Webster County
1914251008 Parcel Nos. 1914251008 and 1914251003, Dayton, IA, 50530, Webster County
Lacona, IA, 50139, Lucas County
Milford, IA, 51351, Dickinson County
Spencer, IA, 51301, Clay County
Oakland, IA, 51560, Pottawattamie County
Jefferson, IA, 50129, Greene County
Clarinda, IA, 51632, Page County
Norwalk, IA, 50211, Warren County
Villisca, IA, 50864, Cass County
Ackworth, IA, 50001, Warren County
Albert City, IA, 50510, Buena Vista County
Central City, IA, 52214, Linn County
Marion, IA, 52302, Linn County
Ireton, IA, 51027, Sioux County
Douds, IA, 52551, Van Buren County
Oxford Junction, IA, 52323, Jones County
Winfield, IA, 52659, Henry County
Cherokee, IA, 51012, Cherokee County
Albia, IA, 52531, Monroe County
Columbus Junction, IA, 52738, Louisa County