Georgia Timberland for Sale

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Georgia Timberland Information

Are you interested in land for sale in Georgia? Georgia is among the five U.S. states with the most forestland for sale by overall acreage. There is approximately 200,000 acres of forestland for sale in Georgia based on recent Land And Farm data. With an average price of $1.1 million, the combined market value of forestland for sale in Georgia is $548 million. Current agricultural uses for forest and timberland for sale in Georgia include for livestock, irrigation, and timber use. Georgia is bordered by Florida to the south, Alabama to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. The state has diverse terrain, including coastal beaches, rolling hills, and the southern Appalachians. It is known for its rich history, southern hospitality, and and peaches. Browse all Georgia timberland for sale on Land And Farm to find the right timberland acreage for your commercial or individual investment needs