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Russellville, AR, 72802, Pope County
Blytheville, AR, 72315, Mississippi County
Perryville, AR, 72126, Perry County
Foreman, AR, 71836, Little River County
Stuttgart, AR, 72160, Arkansas County
Carlisle, AR, 72024, Lonoke County
Hatfield, AR, 71945, Polk County
Oak Grove, AR, 72660, Carroll County
Fayetteville, AR, 72704, Washington County
Shirley, AR, 72153, Van Buren County
Lincoln, AR, 72744, Washington County
Edgemont, AR, 72044, Cleburne County
Sheridan, AR, 72150, Grant County
El Paso, AR, 72045, White County
Holly Grove, AR, 72069, Monroe County
Conway, AR, 72032, Faulkner County