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Size: 77 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

77 Acres in Yates Center, KS - $164,475

Woodson County, KS Recreational Land for Sale

So you've been on the market for just that perfect property that has excellent hunting yet will still give you a good return on investment? Maybe even down the road this would be the perfect building sight for your future home! Well we have just that perfect property located near Yates Center, KS only a few miles from town.

This property offers 16 acres tillable of great creek bottom dirt and a 50 acre Bluestem prairie hay meadow. The tillable is separated into 2 small fields and has deer tower stands overlooking both of them. When walking the property I don't believe I saw a single square foot of the tillable fields that did not have a deer or turkey track.

Some people may think a person would need more timber for the wildlife but I'm here to tell ya that is not true! What you need is a corridor or funnel that is used as a travel route for the wildlife and food and guess what, this ...

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