SOLD Wilmont Place, consisting of 180 +/- acres located in Washington County near Greenville. The property is less than five miles from the Mississippi river and within one mile of Lake Lee, an oxbow fed from the Mississippi River. The property is comprised of reforested hardwood timber. Being approximately 175 acres of 12-year-old WRP plantation hardwoods. Since being converted to conservation timberland the Wilmont place has been improved with a quality road system and food plot network. Additionally, there are two wetland features on site providing year-round water sources and waterfowl opportunities.
Location: Section 32 & 33, Township 17N, Range 8W Washington County MS
4.5 acres wetlands
9.5 acres upland food plots
2 miles or interior roads/trails
Utilities available at county road
Land Use:
Wetland Reserve Easement: 175 acres