This is a good cattle ranch with a solid 300 head year around on summer and winter range plus enough additional summer aum's for 600-900 head depending on how you want to run the cattle and if they are pairs or yearlings. There are 830.48 deeded acres at Wildhorse of which 361.81 acres have surface water rights out of Deep Creek and Riffe Creek.
There are 3170 aum's on the BLM Hot Creek Allotment (Approx. 32,435 acres)and 952 aum's on the Forest Service Allotment (Approx.7000 acres). Season of use is generally May 1-October 15. The agencies have been good to work with in the past to adjust the season based on the year. The winter range has a total of 2,109 aum's starting 11/1 though 6/1 (approx. 135,370 acres). The winter range is in 3 pastures without any fences.
Improvements include pipe shipping corrals, scales, squeeze chute and lead up. Corrals can handle 500 head of yearli...
Improvements include pipe shipping corrals, scales, squeeze chute and lead up. Corrals can handle 500 head of yearlings at a time and are in good condition. Other improvemnts include a newer tack shed and a large pole building currently under construction to be used for inside storage of equipment with an office/living quarters.
The ranch is in the heart of some of Nevada's best recreational area. The ranch has actual lake frontage onto the Wildhorse Reservior until it drops it's level in late summer. Mule Deer and Antelope are a common site as well as pleanty of birds on the riparian areas's. Lot's of good fishing within a few minutes of camp.
The meadows are in good condition with levee's in place making irrigation pretty easy while the creeks are flowing . Meadows were reseeded into timothy and rye grass.
Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any offer regardless of price or terms at his sole discretion!