Great timberland investment! Land is made up of five adjoining tax parcels and multiple ownerships. Well managed, fully stocked stands of 14+/- year old planted Loblolly pines established with Weyerhaeuser seedlings. Pines will be ready to thin in 4-6 years. Multiple branches running through the properties, merging with Pates Creek, which forms the southern boundary of the tracts. Abundant wildlife including deer and turkeys. Deeded easement provides access to the back properties.
Located approximately 15 miles to Carthage, 20 miles to Siler City, and 21 miles to Sanford, this tract provides easy access back to amenities. Property is approximately 20 miles from NC-42 at US-1 near Sanford.
Property Information:
Address: Welch Road
City: Robbins, NC 27325
Legal Information:
Parcel ID: 00006901, 00006902, 00001640, 00001641, 00001642
Deed: DB 4171, PG 466; DB 3941, PG 455
Tax Value: $415,...
Tax Value: $415,770.00
2016 Taxes: $335.28
General Information:
Best Use: Timber/Hunting/Recreation
Current Use: Timber/Hunting
Topography: Rolling
Access: Over 1,400 feet of frontage on Welch Road
Zoning: AR
From NC-42 at US-1, follow NC-42 W 15.1 miles. Turn left on Siler City Glendon Rd and follow for 0.9 miles. Turn right onto River Rd and follow for 3.5 miles. Turn left onto Welch Rd and follow for 0.6 miles. Property will be on left. Look for signs.