VOLMER RANCH | OWANKA, Pennington County, SD
The Volmer Ranch is located a short 30 minute drive from Rapid City and offers convenient access, open spaces, wildlife habitat and functionality. Selling with OWNER FINANCING and LEASE-BACK.
LOCATION: The Volmer ranch is situated in the upper reaches of the Cheyenne River breaks 31 miles east of Rapid City, in Pennington County SD. The local community of farms and ranches is known as the Owanka Wicksville communities.
ACCESS: Access to the property is remarkable. The ranch is accessed by a short stretch of gravel off Hwy 14-16 I-90 borders the property for 2 miles.
OPERATION: The ranch has been operated as a cow/calf production unit and has been grazed primarily during the winter and spring months for which the ranch is well suited given the long, deep, brushy and well-timbered draws and coulees. The grassland on the property is wel...
OPERATION: The ranch has been operated as a cow/calf production unit and has been grazed primarily during the winter and spring months for which the ranch is well suited given the long, deep, brushy and well-timbered draws and coulees. The grassland on the property is well-sodded and boasts many cool and warm season grass varieties.
WATER: The Volmer ranch is serviced by the Owanka Rural Water Assn. which provides both domestic and livestock services. The ranch has a complete waterline system with large tire tanks dispersed across the property. There are also several well-placed dams on the ranch.
FENCING: The property is fenced and cross fenced into several pastures providing opportunity to manage grazing and herd rotation. Some of the fence-lines have been placed for convenience and do not follow the property boundaries. Any refencing would be at the buyers discretion and expense.
TOPOGRAPHY: The Cheyenne River Breaks reach into the eastern half of the ranch and are filled with thick stands of cedar trees and brushy thickets. The ridges are grassy and well sodded with a gravely base. The western half or the ranch is gentle and rolling with wide productive draws/coulees. The grasses are comprised of a good mix of cool and warm season varieties from buffalo and gamma grasses to green needle, western and slender wheat.
IMPROVEMENTS: The ranch improvements make a nice headquarters and are comprised of an original Sears and Roebuck home, shop and combination barn with attached working corrals.
SELLER CARRY - LEASEBACK: The Ranch is being offered with Seller financing and under a provision that the Seller continue under a lease agreement with a new owner. Terms and conditions may be discussed upon request.
PRICE: The ranch is being offered at $1,200,000 under the provisions outlined above (Seller Carry Leaseback). Offers will be considered.