Built by Jackie Spencer, an heiress to the Bancroft Dow Jones industrial fortune, this classic 6000 sq. ft. ranch house with courtyard and pool is situated on 292 acres in the scenic Tularosa Basin of Southeastern New Mexico between the Sacramento and San Andres mountain ranges. The home has 5 BR and 4-1/2 BA and is stunningly classic. The barn(s) have 10 stalls and paddocks with wash rack and stall mats. The ranch enjoys four seasons, along with indescribably beautiful sunrises, sunsets and night skies and a view of the fascinating Malpais lava flow. The ranch is fenced and cross-fenced and includes horse facilities and 42 acres of surface water rights. Too much to list here.....call!
From Carrizozo, NM take Airport Street to the end.