Your chance to add a nice draining dryland farm to your investment portfolio or existing operation. There is 100+/- acres available for sale consisting of 80 acres currently planted to hay millet and 20 acres that is currently in hay production. This productive dryland farm mainly consists of Rosebud Loam soils.
Legal Description: TBD officially via Survey (100+/-acres) Perkins County, NE (Property is the South 100+/- Acres of said Parcel.) Taxes
are of the whole parcel.. This listing will be the south part of Parcel 680039627; 22 10 41 22-10-41 NW1/4 161.06 Acres NO 2855.
2022 Taxes: $2256.78
Call listing agents Bryan North (308)325-2858 or Nick Wells (308)991-9544
Located 2.5 miles East and 3.5 miles North of Venango, Nebraska. 1/4 mile south of the intersection of roads 314 and 759 on the east side of 314 Rd.