Topisaw, an old Cherokee word meaning where they saw each other. Topisaw Junction at 147 acres, is a tract where we can see you joining your love of hunting with land ownership.
Hunters know that to have deer, you must have cover, this tract features 72 acres of the gnarliest, buck holding cover we have ever seen. The tract also features 57 acres in middle age pine stands, 45 of which includes the queen of pine trees, Longleaf. Need a place to camp? Weve got you covered with a 1460 square foot home, and a 580 square foot barn to store your hunting toys. An old gravel pit on the property suggest that there may additional gravel deposits that could be exploited.
During an inspection we found the one that got away, dont let it happen again by owning this fine property.
Just the Facts:
Sales Price: $930 or $3,190/ac
Tract Acreage: Surveyed 147.02 Mapped 147.1, ...
Tract Acreage: Surveyed 147.02 Mapped 147.1,
Tract Location-
Legal: NE4 NW4 Less 10ac SW CNR & NW4 NE4 Less 3.5ac, & 1ac NE CNR NW4 NW4 (S35) & PT SW4 E of Topisaw & SW4 SE4 (26)T5N, R9E, Lincoln County, MS
Address: 4017 MS-583, Jayess, MS 39641
Lat: 3121 45.86 N
Long: 9016 02.32 W
Paved Road Frontage: 2688
Interior Roads: 2984 Dirt
Water: Private Well
Electric: Magnolia EPA
Topography: Level in bottoms, & Rolling Hills
Zoning: Rural, Timberland
Ad Valorem Taxes: 2015 - $1,130.23
FEMA Flood Zone: Portions (78.9 ac or 53.6%)lie within flood zone A, the 100 year flood zone. MAP # FM28085C0475D
History: Timberland
Mineral Rights: None, Reserved
Streams: Topisaw (Middle & East Prong), 6269 frontage
Driving Directions: From Hwy 84/ Hwy 583 interchange, drive South on Hwy 583 17.3 miles. Tract will be on the North (Left) side of the Highway.
Medium of Exchange: Cash and occupancy on closing.
Owner Financing Available? No
Sub-dividable?: No
House/Camp Info: 1,464 ft2 - Built in 1927
Barn/Shed Info: 580 ft2
Estimated Driving Times to Tract:
New Orleans: 128mi, 2hr 12 min
Baton Rouge: 101mi, 2hr 1 min
Jackson: 78 mi, 1hr 17 min
Hattiesburg: 65 mi, 1hr 27 min
Species Available for Hunting:
White-tailed Deer Wild Turkey
Squirrel Rabbit
Soils: Name, % Area, Site Index
Fa-Falaya silt loam, 20.0%,90
Fm-Falaya silt loam, local alluvium, 4.0%,90
GgD2-Guin gravelly sandy loam, 8-12 % slopes, 0.6%, 90
GgF-Guin gravelly sandy loam, 17 to 40 % slopes, 26.0%, 90
OaB2-Ora silt loam, 2 to 5 % slopes, eroded, 5.5%, 87
OaB3-Ora silt loam, 2 to 5 % slopes, severely eroded,12.0%, 87
OaC2-Ora silt loam, 5 to 8 % slopes, eroded, 1.2%, 87
OrC2-Ora and Ruston soils, 5 to 8 % slopes, eroded, 0.8%, 89
OrC3-Ora and Ruston soils, 5 to 8 % slopes, svrly eroded, 4.3%, 89
RuD2-Ruston soils, 8 to 12 % slopes, eroded, 0.0%, 86
RuD3-Ruston soils, 8 to 12 % slopes, severely eroded, 4.80%, 86
RuF2-Ruston soils, 17 to 35 % slopes, eroded, 2.2%, 86
Wa-Waverly silt loam, 18.4%, 95
How to view the property: You can schedule a site visit by contacting me at (O) 601.587.4446 or (M) 601.594.1564 to set up a time, OR if you would like to visit the site on your own we request that you fill out a Temporary Access Permit at (contact agent) and fax it back to (601) 587-4406.
Timber: Type-Acres-Age
HP1- Hardwood Pulpwood Low Density - 8.1ac, 31 yr
HR2 - Hardwood Regen Med. Density - 70.2 ac, 6 yr
HS2 - Hardwood Sawtimber Med. Density - 8.8 ac, 60+yr
MR2 - Mixed Regen Med. Density - 1.6 ac, 5 yr
OR0 - Open Regen No Density - 1.0 ac, 0 yr
PI2 - Pine Intermediate Med Density - 0.5 ac, 36 yr
PI3- Pine Intermediate High Density - 12.1ac, 23 yr
PP3 - Pine Pulpwood High Density - 44.7 ac, 21yr
Timber Volumes: No Timber Cruise Information is available for this property.
Home Information:
Year Built: Approximately 1927
Gross Living Area: 1464 ft2
Porch: 261 ft2
Utilities: All Electric, So. Pine EPA
Water: Well
HVAC: No Central Air or Heat
Oven: Electric
Water Heater: Electric
Waste: Septic Tank
Bedrooms: 2-3
Bathrooms: 1
Description: French Colonial/Bungalow Style home with wood panel siding, metal roof.
Construction: Concrete Block
Dimensions: 20x 29.4
Area: 589 ft2
Covered Porch
Roof: Asphalt Shingle
Electricity in place.
Driving Directions: From Hwy 84/ Hwy 583 interchange, drive South on Hwy 583 17.3 miles. Tract will be on the North (Left) side of the Highway.