The historic Lund Ranch is located on Union Island in the San Joaquin River Delta, just northwest of Tracy, California. The ranch is East of the Clifton Court Forebay and is bordered by Old River on the West, Grant Line Canal on the South, Clifton Court Road on the North and Bonetti Road (dirt drive) on the East. The property address is 19422 West Clifton Court Road, Tracy, CA. California farms for sale
Farm land for sale- currently planted to row crops. There are almond trees planted within 1.5 miles of the ranch and a wide variety of other permanent plantings located in the area.
The Lund Ranch lies within the South Delta Water Agency and receives diverted surface water from the Old River and Grant Line Canal. The Lund Ranch has a long standing appropriative license as well as five riparian and Pre-1914 claims.
One Home / One Hay Barn 74 x 158 / One Shop 40 x 60
The Lund Ranch...
The Lund Ranch to be purchased subject to a lease ending December 31, 2021. Tenant is open to a transitional or long term occupancy schedule that would involve Tenant remaining in some type of capacity acceptable to all parties, be it as an ongoing tenant, as a manager, or in the transition to, and planting of, permanent crops. Tenant is a well respected farmer in the region with a long history in permanent crops. Tenant's extensive experience with farming this land and with planting of permanent crops in nearby locations offers a new owner a valuable opportunity to reduce downtime and virtually eliminate the learning curve associated with working a new farm.