This high production, irrigated wheat and legume farm lies approximately four miles South of Walla Walla, WA in Northern Umatilla County, Oregon.
Per the Umatilla County Assessor, there are 223.65+/- total acres with 211.0 +/- acres being tillable. 100% of the tillable acres are in production each year with a rotation of wheat and occasionally a legume crop. Historic yields have been approximately 83 bushels per acre of fall wheat and 1938 pounds of green peas per acre.
At this time, the current owner is the operator of the farm via a custom farm plan. If, in the future, a landlord/tenant relationship was desired, a typical tenant lease for a farm of this type and in this area could consist of a 70/30 lease with the landlord receiving 30% of the crop each year while paying no input costs except for paying the property taxes and any associated insurance, storage and marketing costs fo...
At this time, the current owner is the operator of the farm via a custom farm plan. If, in the future, a landlord/tenant relationship was desired, a typical tenant lease for a farm of this type and in this area could consist of a 70/30 lease with the landlord receiving 30% of the crop each year while paying no input costs except for paying the property taxes and any associated insurance, storage and marketing costs for their percentage of the crop. The tenant would typically then receive 70% of the crop and pay all input and farming costs.
Per the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, precipitation on this farm averages 14 15 inches per year. Soils on the farm primarily consist of Hermiston Silt Loam and Oliphant Silt Loam with 0 to 25 percent slopes throughout. There are no structures located on the property. There is a well and 75 HP pump located on the property from which the included water rights are accessed.
Water rights included with the property consist of a maximum diversion of three acre feet per acre, per irrigation season. The water rights are ground water rights accessed via the well located on the property. The farm is accessed via gravel, maintained county roads.
Other aspects of the farm that add potential value and/or alternative uses include the potential for vineyard development in very specific areas of the farm and potential transfer of all or a portion of the ground water rights to another location or property located within the same aquifer (subject to state rules and laws).
Offered At $1,050,000.00