Location: This property is located at 21875 Hatfield Road, Red Bluff, CA 96080 and borders the west side of Interstate 5 in Tehama County, California. Hatfield Road can be easily accessed from Rawson Road.
Legal: The property is made up of 4 parcels which total 106.36 assessed acres, more or less. The 4 parcels are further described as Tehama County APN #s: 035-370-002, 035-370-034, 035-290-012 & 035-290-032.
Zoning: The zoning for this property is Agriculture with the county designated use as Orchard.
Use: The property consists of approximately 82 +/- acres of Chandler walnut orchard planted on 26 x 18 foot spacing. The orchard was planted to RX-1 rootstock in 2018 and in 2019 was budded to Chander walnut variety. In 2023 the property will be coming into the 5th Leaf.
The property also has 3.02 acres +/- that is leased out for solar power generation which provides approxima...
The property also has 3.02 acres +/- that is leased out for solar power generation which provides approximately $4,000 of annual income to the ower. A copy of the lease is available for review.
In addition, the 12.14 acre parcel has a 1,440 square foot modular home. Condition is unknown and will be sold in its AS IS, WHERE IS condition.
Soils: The soils on this ranch are all rated Class #1 and Class #2 by the USDA and are well suited for orchard production. (See attached soil profile map)
Water: The orchard is irrigated by one 16 inch well drilled to 740 feet and completed in 2013. The well has a 125 horsepower US electric motor with a soft start and a Variable Frequency Drive. The well has excellent water and the properties can be irrigated in 1 set. Water is delivered to the walnut trees by R10 micro sprinklers.
Price: $2,220,000. Cash to Seller.
Comments: This is a beautiful walnut orchard with the highest desired variety of walnut. 2023 will be the first year of production. This orchard is set up to be a high producer for the next 25-30 years. In addition, this property is perfect for a homesite and has Interstate 5 frontage. Please call listing Broker for a private tour of the property.