Location: The property is located in 3 parcels near the Sunol, Nebraska I-80 Interchange.
Legal Description: Parcel #1 - S1/2, NE1/4 Section 18-T13N-R47W;
Parcel #2 - S1/2NE1/4 (lying North of I-80) Section 12-T13N-R48W;
Parcel #3 - SE1/4 (lying South of I-80) Section 12-T13N-R48W, All in Cheyenne County, NE.
Acres: Parcel #1 - 483.16 tax assessed acres;
Parcel #2 - Approximately 60 acres;
Parcel #3 - Approximately 140 acres
Taxes: 2014 taxes payable in 2015:
Parcel #1 - $3,247;
Parcel #2 - Approximately $535;
Parcel #3 - Approximately $656
Price: Parcel #1 - $385,000;
Parcel #2 - $73,000;
Parcel #3 - $85,000
Comments: This property has excellent location and access on County Road 135 & I-80 interchange.
Contact: Mike Polk, Co-Listing Agent 308-539-4446
Roger Luehrs, Co-Listing Agent 308-631-2506
Bruce Dodson, Jerry Weaver, John Childears, ...
Bruce Dodson, Jerry Weaver, John Childears,
Chase Dodson, Tony Eggleston, Don Walker
Agri AffiliatesProviding Farm, Ranch Real Estate Services