Among the swelling bluffs charmed by cascading cold-water creeks, youll find some of the richest deer dirt in the upper Midwest. This 62.5+/- acre wildlife sanctuary just outside of Richland Center, WI is a miraculous estate decorated with pastoral beauty and enchanted by a heavenly aura. This preferential property boasts miraculous panoramic views, an idyllic building site and foolproof deer hunting not to mention located on a remote country road hidden in hills of southwest Wisconsin.
This secluded Richland County paradise features 17+/- acres of fertile ag land that currently rents for around $1,275/annually. A rotation of corn and soybeans provides the abundance of wildlife a dinner spread throughout each season. The vast remainder is composed of a heavily wooded ridge system thats splattered with deer sign. Theres even a small sector of this tract in CREP, which buffers the windin...
This secluded Richland County paradise features 17+/- acres of fertile ag land that currently rents for around $1,275/annually. A rotation of corn and soybeans provides the abundance of wildlife a dinner spread throughout each season. The vast remainder is composed of a heavily wooded ridge system thats splattered with deer sign. Theres even a small sector of this tract in CREP, which buffers the winding stream and brings in an additional $900+/- each year. If you were to create the picture-perfect property on paper this may be the one.
Youll find a 6+/- acre field north of Wheat Hollow Road, which possibly offers a splendid building site that would overlook your dream property. Whether you initially pull a camper onto the property or build a rustic cabin, theres unlimited options to build your domain. This private retreat is chocked full of trophy class whitetail and located in a neighborhood that rarely sees real estate hit the market. From my experience working in this region, its not uncommon to hear Boone & Crockett size bucks being dragged from the hills and valleys of this utopia.
Take note that this tract was not hunted last year, nor received any bowhunting pressure in the past 20+ years. As crazy as it sounds, this is one of those virgin tracts that rarely exist. In addition, the ground is bordered by extensively vast tracts of private landowners. For example; the Northerly boundary abuts to 170+ac, Easterly boundary nestles up to 150+ac and Westerly line runs in-line with a whopping 275+ac tract! The common thread for world-class deer is strong neighboring tracts and this property personifies just that.
What makes this real estate extraordinary are the riveting land attributes. A small tumbling creek carves throughout the property from west to east providing a year-round water source. A natural pinch-point on the west line attaches two large woodblocks and offers a dynamic all-day sit opportunity during the rut. This small stretch is littered in scrapes, rubs and heavily beaten trails. The south-end is delighted by a large ridge, which offers premium buck bedding locations. A 1,140ft high bluff tapers down this property and abruptly ends at a small knob that is absolutely filthy thick. Between the ridge and knob, youll find an incredible saddle that offers an addition rut hunting hub during the chase-phase. This topography system is what makes deer hunting this region some of the very best in the country. Natural contours and elevation changes offer unheard of action throughout the primetime of deer season.
This dreamy estate doesnt end with a whimsical creek, extensive ridge system and rich tillable ground theres more. The north eastern part of the property features a wider vessel of the stream. Here, youll notice wild thickets, tall grasses and dense marsh pockets where trophy whitetail seek refuge. The brushy pocket extends through the neighbors. Youll find a checkerboard of crisscrossing deer trails littered in nerve-wrecking sign.
To say that this property has it all would be a vast understatement. This is simply one of those incredibly unique properties that outdoor enthusiasts and sportsmen dream of. Currently, the taxes are only $350+/- per Richland County Tax Roll. However, the northern boundary will need to be surveyed upon purchase as the seller is splitting this tract and putting the northern 47+/- acre piece up for sale as well. The land is not enrolled in any Managed Forest Land Program. While the forest has not been cut in well over 40+ years, the estate doesnt display a wealth of timber value but rather a slurry of mature hardwoods, nasty bedding thickets and open bottoms.
This profound piece of recreational ground offers amazing hunting, a potential building site and a variety of unforgettable memories to be made at a price that is absolutely sell-ready! Now is the time to take advantage of this world-class estate. Consider this property a must-see if you have any interest in owning some of richest deer dirt in the state. For more info, please contact Southwest Wisconsin Land Specialist Brandon Wikman at 608.403.6003 or Joe Nawrot at 608.381.1627
Joe Nawrot and Brandon Wikman are Southwestern Wisconsins #1 Land Specialist Team.
Richland Center, WI