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1.84 Acres in Lemoyne, NE - $925,000

Stetson’s Corner Store

Location, Location, Location - The three most important factors in determining the desirability of a property/business, a cliche used by many real estate experts.

Stetson’s Corner Store, located at the intersection of Hwy 61 and Hwy 92, is by far the best Location at Lake McConaughy, just north of Kingsley Dam and between Martin Bay and Arthur Bay, two of the most popular campgrounds and busiest boat ramps at the lake.


Stetson’s Corner Store is one of the few year-around businesses in the area, it is a well established and thriving business situated on 1.84 acres +/- and is being offered turnkey including the real estate.


Stetson’s Corner Store is more than your typical convenience store. Offering a wide variety of items, including; snacks, groceries, beverages, liquor, beer, wine, ice, firewood, beach toys, swimwear, swim gear, beach wear, beach towels, clothing, sunglass...

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