Spring Valley Ranch & Cattle is an environmentally sound and fully sustainable registered Black Angus cattle ranch in the Nebraska Sandhills, located between Bassett and Burwell in Rock County NE. The area is arguably some of the best grassland in the Sandhills with excellent and consistent moisture conditions. Consisting of 6,360 deeded acres and 320 acres of Nebraska State land lease, the ranch is carrying over 800 AU of breeding stock with maternal genetics. The land, cattle and equipment can be purchased turnkey with management available for $12,989,000. Alternatively, land only and improvements can be purchased separately in combination or in two separate east or west tracks.
Near Rose, NE and between Burwell and Bassett, the ranch is located 28 miles south of Bassett, Nebraska along paved Highway 183. The ranch has excellent location in the most productive region of the San...
Near Rose, NE and between Burwell and Bassett, the ranch is located 28 miles south of Bassett, Nebraska along paved Highway 183. The ranch has excellent location in the most productive region of the Sandhills.
This area is known as some of the best cow-country in the US due to grassland quality and consistent moisture conditions, evidenced by the numerous market setting sale barns in the area. Marketing options are plentiful with satellite video options, sale barns and direct feedlot trade providing the revenue maximizing options for the areas livestock producers.
The acreage for the ranch consists of the following land types:
1,000 Acres wet hay meadow
400 Acres second table hay meadow
126 Acres pivot irrigated grassland
70 Acres pivot irrigated alfalfa
65 Acres NRD certified acres (permitted for irrigation development)
4,699 Acres native sandhills grass
6,360 Acres Total deeded
320 Acres State of NE lease consisting of sub-irrigated wet meadows
Two fishing ponds and good hunting supplement the ranchs natural beauty.
There are many natural shelter belts made of tree rows that provide shelter for the animals during cold and windy winter days.
Spring Valleys herd is the only herd of its size and kind in the United States and the cattle are treated in the most holistic manner possible. The herd inventory is registered with the American Angus Association and a complete Cattle-Max inventory is maintained.
Spring Valleys registered Black Angus has been developed from pre-1970s genetics, so that they can grow and fatten on perennial grasses. These grasses are never plowed, so they continually sequester carbon. The cattles forage diet is supplemented by vitamins, minerals, apple cider vinegar, sodium bicarbonate, alfalfa, and carbon.
Currently, the registered Black Angus herd consists of 690 cows, 95 registered bulls to be sold in the Spring of 2023, 280 calves to be sold this year, and 27 active breeding bulls. The ranch has used AI and embryo transfers routinely and conducts comparative mating techniques as well.
The cattle are thick and moderate. The cows are docile, breed back with regularity are fertile and weigh approximately 1,100 pounds. Spring Valley seeks to produce calves that are weaned at a minimum of 50% of their mothers body weight.
Customers who purchase Spring Valleys grass finished cattle are uniformly enthusiastic about the taste of the humanely treated cattle:
The quality and flavor of the beef is excellent and is the beef we serve. We appreciate that it is grass fed and grass finished and grown sustainably and environmentally friendly and from Nebraska.
A former chef believes that the flavor of the beef is without peer.
The cattle also do very well in the commercial setting. One hundred calves hung at an average weight of 850 pounds with a 25-pound deviation of either side. All graded Choice or better. In another test, out of 200 head, 198 graded Choice or better and 70% graded CAB or better.
The cattle spend the summers in the Sandhills, where the temperature is 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the hay meadows. In July to August, the meadows are hayed, which provides winter feed. After the cattle are gathered from the Sandhills using horses and Australian shepherds, they are moved to the meadows where they feed on protein rich after grass, which grows after haying. The cattle have excellent protection during the winter months when they are fed meadow hay and alfalfa.
The ranch is improved with a modern two-story Owners home with wrap around porch and full basement providing 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. An additional ranch style Managers home with a full basement is located at the main headquarters. There are two machine sheds and working pens also located on the ranch.
The Ranch has over 120,000 feet of pipeline providing pure Sandhills water for the cattle. Seven electric and one solar powered motor pump the water through the ranch. At least sixteen windmills provide backup.
The Ranch is fenced into multiple pastures for sustainable rotational grazing and has an abundance of mature windbreaks for winter protection.
A full line of equipment necessary to operate the ranch conveys along with the ranch and cattle. Included are two large John Deere tractors, haying equipment, trucks, trailers and a host of other ranch equipment.
School Land Lease Information:
E2 of 36-26-20, Rock County, Nebraska. The current year school land lease amount is $18,479.50 which is subject to change from year to year through December 31, 2026 with an improvement amount of $500.00.
Well Information:
Nebraska Department of Natural Resources indicates:
Well #G-049161 was drilled 3-19-1976, 250 depth with 50 static level, 78 pumping level, pumping 900 gpm.
Well #G-131766 was drilled 1-20-1976, 250 depth with 50 static level, 78 pumping level, pumping 900 gpm.
Well #G-145309 was drilled 6-15-2007, 315 depth with 64 static level, 88 pumping level, pumping 950 gpm.
Well #G-163708 was drilled 3-15-2012, 280 depth with 71 static level, 96 pumping level, pumping 900 gpm.
Taxes: $52,223.62. (2021)
Simply put, Spring Valley Ranch & Cattle is one with the historically proper treatment of the environment, properly supplying the human food chain in the most holistic manner possible. Sustainability is achieved by natural grazing on native pastures as well as tillable land planted to perennial grass and alfalfa. The Augus cattle are genetically selected to fatten on grasslands.
The Ranch is extraordinary. It is remarkably well-balanced with outstanding protection, very productive hay meadows and outstanding summer grazing.
Water is plentiful. The Ranch sits on top of the Ogallala Aquifer, which has been increasing in depth under the Ranch.
The maternal herd genetics are from foundation bloodlines recognized throughout the Angus cattle industry. These genetics are desired for cow longevity, efficiency to convert grass to pounds, high live calf ratio and marble as grass fed, which are the most important factors for sustainable profitability.
Spring Valley Ranch & Cattle is the prototype of a carbon friendly operation that represents the future of beef cattle production.
Offering a 2% coop fee to buyer brokers.
Ranchland & Buildings:
Spring Valley West $ 6,300,000
Spring Valley East $ 4,200,000
Livestock, Machinery,
Hay and Pers. Prop. $ 2,489,000
Turnkey: $12,989,000
Offering a 2% coop fee to buyer brokers.