Sheets Forest is an outstanding 501 acre +/- multiple use recreational property with easy access just off the I-64 corridor near historic Blue Sulphur Springs, WV.
Agent Contact: Richard Grist, 304.646.8837
Several streams run through the property with miles of trails for horseback riders, hikers and ATV enthusiasts. Once a thriving mountain farm, Sheets Forest was long ago abandoned and time and nature have created a fantastic property geared towards the wildlife and recreational enthusiast.
The forest is supported with incredible water including a stocked one-acre lake and over a mile of free flowing blue line streams. There is another mile of intermittent streams along with 30 more ephemeral or seasonal streams. Mountain springs are found throughout the forest.
The trees in the forest are very healthy with lots of Beech, Oaks, Tulip Poplars and Hickories. The deer, wild turkey, b...
The trees in the forest are very healthy with lots of Beech, Oaks, Tulip Poplars and Hickories. The deer, wild turkey, black bear and squirrels thrive here as the residual mature trees left after the timber was professionally thinned some 20 years ago produce tons and tons of acorns, black cherries, grapes, hickory nuts and beech nuts. The thinning created the perfect habitat for the wildlife to thrive in, with a mix of mature nut trees, den trees, blackberry thickets and grown over farm fields.
Sheets Forest offers long range mountain views with several easy to build cabin sites. This property is located in the small farming community of Blue Sulphur Springs and is surrounded by privately owned woodlands which makes for the perfect mountain retreat. This area has more cattle than people per square mile and the night sky is filled with stars and not light pollution.
Blue Sulphur Springs is an easy 20 minute drive on state maintained roads through farming country to Interstate 64. Beckley and Lewisburg offer excellent shopping, schools, theatres, modern medical facilities and exceptional airports within a 30 minute drive.
Within an hours drive are located some of the finest recreational facilities in West Virginia. Winterplace Ski Resort, whitewater rafting / fishing on the New River and Gauley River, 2000 acre Bluestone Lake, Pipestem State Park and Resort and the 80,000 acre New River National Gorge National Park. Five other area state parks and state forests offer unlimited hiking, horseback riding, ATV riding and rock climbing opportunities. The property is about an hours drive to the new $200MM 10,000 acre Boy Scout High Adventure Project near Beckley.
Sheets Forest is located in Greenbrier County just about 3 miles southwest of Blue Sulphur Springs, WV.
The property's coordinates are
LAT 037.7963600N
LON 080.6666500W
Elevation 1940 to 2630
The property has year round access on paved or gravel state maintained roads. The property has frontage for nearly a mile on three county roads. State roads, old fences, field edges and stone walls may be found along some of the property lines. There is a metes and bounds description in the deed but and there is a survey plat available located in Map Book 4, File A-76.
There is electric service to the property.
Due to the mountainous topography, cell phone coverage can be spotty in the hollows but is excellent on the ridge tops
Internet can be provided through HughesNet and television reception through DishNet or DirectTV.
A drilled water well and septic system serves the camp.
The high elevation, coupled with the high percentage of north and east facing slopes, is very conducive to growing extremely high quality timber. Black Walnut, White Oak, Red Oak, Sugar Maple, Hickory, Tulip Poplar, Black Cherry and Mountain Ash are the predominant species comprising the forest.
The last thinning was conducted about 20 years ago under the supervision of a professional forester. The thinning left several thousand residual trees that have responded exceptionally well to the thinning and are estimated to be growing at a rate of about 5% per year. The forest is healthy and there is no evidence of Gypsy Moth evident at this time. There is some evidence of the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid and Emerald Ash Borer being present in the forest.
Several nice trails on nice grades that make for easy access throughout the forest.
The seller will convey all of the mineral rights they own at closing, including coal, oil& gas, sand and stone rights. There are no leases currently let on the property.
The Marcellus Shale may underlay the property at a depth of 5000+ and oil and gas companies are have been doing some leasing in the area for the natural gas. The east coast Marcellus Shale Region is thought to contain enough natural gas to power the United States for over 100 years. The horizontal drilling technology necessary to reach the mile deep shale strata has rapidly evolved and drilling in the Marcellus strata is a reality in WV.
The presence of any coal reserves underlying the property is unproven and there has been no known mining activity on the property.
Sheets Forest
Deed Book 464 Page 287, Dated August 14, 2000
Greenbrier County, West Virginia
Deed Acreage: 505.44 acres by inclusive survey, subject to Quitclaim Deed and Boundary Line Agreement (see additional information below).
Tax: Blue Sulphur Springs District (3) Tax Map 26 Parcel 48; Taxed as 505.48 acres
Survey Plat: Prepared for Ram Resources, Inc. by SEE Engineers & Associates, Inc.;
Dated July 1993; Survey Acreage: 505.44 acres; Plat recorded in the Clerks Office of the County Commission of Greenbrier County, West Virginia in Map Book 4 File A-76.
Quitclaim Deed and Boundary Line Agreement: Walter J. Sheets and Sons, Inc. acquired 505.44 acres by an inclusive survey prepared in July 1993 by deed dated August 14, 2000, recorded in Deed Book 464 Page 287, made subject to that certain Quitclaim Deed and Boundary Line Agreement between Ram Resources, Inc. and Rosalie Shaw dated February 16, 1999, and recorded in Deed Book 454 Page 430. The agreed lines are described by bearings and distances and shown on an accompanying survey plat. The quitclaim procedure used mutual granting of property on each respective side of the agreement lines. The SEE survey plat used for the Sheets deed shows the property prior to the Quitclaim Deed and Boundary Line Agreement. The acreage shown by the survey was 505.44 acres. The boundary line agreement removed area from the Ram Resources property in two locations without stating how much acreage was removed or the amount of residual acreage. Therefore, the property is still taxed at the former acreage. Using surveying mathematics, the acreage removed at each location can be determined. The smaller area of change removed +/- 0.2161 acre, and the larger area of change removed +/- 3.7419 acres for a total of +/- 3.958 acres removed. That leaves a residue of 501.482 acres +/-. However, to state the actual amount of residual acreage in the Sheets property and to change the taxed acreage, an additional survey plat showing and describing the reductions would need to be prepared and recorded in the Greenbrier County Courthouse.
The property is taxed in Blue Sulphur District, Greenbrier County WV on Tax Map 26, parcel 48. Taxes for 2015 were $1,985.18.
The deed is recorded in Greenbrier County Courthouse in Lewisburg WV in Deed Book 464, Page 287.
Greenbrier County has a Subdivision Ordinance and all prospective buyers contemplating division of property into lots should consult the Greenbrier County Planning Commission. All prospective buyers should contact the Greenbrier County Commission and Health Department when considering purchasing or developing any property in the county to determine if the property is subject to any additional zoning ordinances.
From the Alta Interchange (Exit #161) travel Route 12 south for 3.9 miles and take a right on Spring Hill Road. Travel 3.6 miles and take a left on Jarret Cutoff Road and go mile to a T intersection. Take a right onto Smoot Sam Black Road and travel 8/10ths mile and take a left on Snake Run Road and go 2.8 miles and gravel road leading into the property will be on the left.