Convenience Store
5000 square foot building
Cinderblock, wood, metal construction
Metal roof
Excellent condition
2 offices, 2 walk-in display coolers, 1
walk-in freezer, 1 reach-in display
Excluded is soda dispensers, ice cream
case and store items.
Beer & wine license included
Unfinished area for men & womens
restroom and shower rooms. Most
materials are on site to finish the
shower rooms.
Laundry room capacity for 4 washers
and 2 dryers.
Fuel Center: 1 12000 gallon regular
unleaded tank, 14000 gallon diesel
tank, 18000 gallon premium
unleaded tank.
Potential RV Park
Museum/Misc. Warehouse Building
7000 square foot building
Metal frame/siding
Completely finished interior
2 heating/cooling units
Misc. glass showcases
Office with private restroom
Restroom facilities for men & women
Large truck receiving area with overhead
Home & Facilities
36.398 +/- Ac...
36.398 +/- Acres
Shop is 1500 square feet with 12x14
door, electric heat.
Manufactured home is on a permanent
foundation and is 2300 sq.ft. with 3
bdrms, 2 baths & an office.
Small one room cabin with bathroom.
Propane tank for propane sales.
Hollister, Hwy 93