Seller financing on lake frontage directly on Lake Mercer! Offering two parcels combined at this price. Tax ID 543916 is 1.43 acres and tax ID 543924 is 3.09 acres so together these two parcels are 4.52 acres. District water and electricity are available. Terrain is quite sloped and there appear to be no flat spots so grading would be needed. In addition, the land is in its natural state and there is currently no driveway or footpath from the road down to the lake on this parcel. You will see a graded gravel driveway and attractive iron gate on the property of the neighbor to the south which will give you an idea of the kind of access that you may be able to create on this land with some investment and work. You have always wanted to be directly on the water near the ocean and at this low price now you can!
Terms: Cash or seller will carry with 20% down at 5% interest for 5 year...
Terms: Cash or seller will carry with 20% down at 5% interest for 5 years.
Water: District water is available
Electricity: Available
Cross Street: Black Bear Rd
Parcel Numbers: 1048055 and 1048056
Tax IDs: 543916 and 543924
Driving Directions: From Florence, drive north on Hwy 101. Pass Mercer Lake Rd. Turn right on Sutton Lake Rd. Pass Mercer Creek Dr., do not turn there. Turn right on N Mercer Lake Rd N. Mercer Lake Rd N becomes Rustic Ln. Turn right to stay on Rustic Ln. Enter the open gate to the private drive of the North Mercer Ridge community, you are an invited guest. Pass Spindrift Way & go 1 block. At the intersection of Black Bear Rd & Rustic Ln, turn right to stay on Rustic Ln. Pass the sign for the Richardson home. Look for the attractive iron gate with the fish on it on the left. To find a parking spot, drive slightly past that gate & park next to the yellow fire hydrant. Get out of your car & walk back to the fish gate. Facing the lake, the parcel is to the left/north of the fish gate. It also climbs the hill on the other side of the road. The terrain is steep, so you will have to view the shoreline from a distance. To do that, walk back toward the yellow fire hydrant. Peer over the edge. You will see a dock on the north-adjacent neighbors parcel & a large house on the south-adjacent neighbors parcel. This sloped parcel for sale has lake-frontage between the dock & the house. Take the aerial map & these directions with you. Dont leave home without them or youll be sad!