60 acres in no mans land!! 1/2 horse power submerged well pump, cleaning station, shooting range, 3 stands and trails throughout the property. I have never seen more game than in this area!! Deer, turkey and hogs!! As many as you can get. Every hunters dream, this land is in the middle of over 600,000 acres!! No electric for 15 miles so bring the generator.
From SR 53 in Madison, turn onto Tower Rd. Go 2.1 miles and turn LT onto Camp P. Rd. There is a gate on Tower Rd that is not locked, open, pull through and close it. Go 3.7 miles on Camp P and turn RT onto county line Rd. Go 4.8 miles and turn Lt onto Gum Rd. Go 1/2 mile and turn RT onto Farr Rd. Go 1/10 of a mile and turn LT onto Rock Island Rd. Go 1 mile and the land will begin on the LT. Approximately 1,600 feet on Rock Island Rd.