LOCATION: 8 miles north of Alma, Nebraska on U S Highway 183. (located on the corner of U S Highway 183 and Road 717)
DESCRIPTION: NE1/4 Section 20-T3N-R18W of the 6th P.M., Harlan County, Nebraska.
DESCRIPTION: Harlan County Assessor indicates a total of 154.0 acres. The farm consists of pivot irrigated cropland with dry crop and pasture.
INFORMATION: Total Cropland - 115.8 acres
Government Base Acres - Corn 52.3 acres with PLC yield of 129.0 bu/acre
Grain Sorghum - 10.8 acres with PLC yield of 78.0 bu/acre
Soybeans - 0.3 acres with PLC yield of 42 bu/acre
Wheat - 33.4 acres with PLC yield of 36 bu/acre
INFORMATION: Well Registration G000688
Completion Date 5/30/1956 at 1,000 gpm
Well Depth 160
Owner indicates that well is pumping approximately 400 to 500 gpm.
Pump - Sargent
Gearhead - Amaril...
Gearhead - Amarillo, 60 hp
Power Unit - Perkins Model 354 diesel engine
1,000 gallon fuel tank
West Pivot - Electrogator 7 tower
East Pivot - Olson 5 tower
DISTRICT INFORMATION: Farm is located in the Lower Republican Natural Resource District and contains 78.6 certified irrigated acres.
LIVESTOCK WATER: Provided by a stock well equipped with an electric submersible.
SOILS: Cropland soils consist of Class II, IV and VI Holdrege, Coly, Uly, and Nuckolls silt loams, while the pasture soils consist primarily of Uly, Coly, and Holdrege silt loams.
TAXES: 2015 Real Estate Tax - $4,938.14
LIST PRICE: $624,000.00 Cash
COMMENTS: Farm contains highly productive cropland along with pasture that has good fencing and livestock water availability.