Are you looking for a place where you can leave it all behind? The Rauton Tract offers recreation, privacy, and peace. This property offers 201+/- acres of diversity and opportunities. Numerous roads and timber stands of various ages provide a mixture of settings and hunting environments. Age classes of stands range from age 2 to 20 years of planted and natural pine, and over 35 acres of upland and hardwood bottoms. You will be pleasantly surprised by the height and growth of these timber stands despite their age. Fertile soils, genetically improved seedlings, and proper site prep techniques have these trees growing quickly. The 100+ acres of 20-year-old planted pine stands have been thinned once, with a second thinning opportunity awaiting the new owner. Expect the first thinning of additional pine stands around age 17. The diversity and productive timber stands will allow the ne...
Are you looking for a place where you can leave it all behind? The Rauton Tract offers recreation, privacy, and peace. This property offers 201+/- acres of diversity and opportunities. Numerous roads and timber stands of various ages provide a mixture of settings and hunting environments. Age classes of stands range from age 2 to 20 years of planted and natural pine, and over 35 acres of upland and hardwood bottoms. You will be pleasantly surprised by the height and growth of these timber stands despite their age. Fertile soils, genetically improved seedlings, and proper site prep techniques have these trees growing quickly. The 100+ acres of 20-year-old planted pine stands have been thinned once, with a second thinning opportunity awaiting the new owner. Expect the first thinning of additional pine stands around age 17. The diversity and productive timber stands will allow the new owner to manage timber production, wildlife, and future income streams efficiently and beneficially to their own management objectives.
Wildlife species are abundant on the Rauton Tract because of the timber stands’ age class diversity. Foraging and cover types are throughout the property not to mention large hardwood and pine stands adjacent to the property on the Forest Service Lands. There are excellent locations for food plots that will enhance hunting opportunities. Trails and roads are already in place, with a little cleanup and upgrades, you will have access across the property. This road network will be perfect to enjoy on ATVs.
The property is positioned near the McCormick and Edgefield County line off L R White Road. At 70 miles from Columbia and 40 miles from Aiken, the Rauton Tract is worth the drive. Surrounded by US Forest Service lands and large property ownerships, the 201 acres feels much larger. Power is located off the county road, making this the perfect place to build a hunting lodge or permanent estate. Your family will be able to enjoy the outdoors for many years to come.
For more information or to schedule a visit, please call Travis Spainhour at 803.609.9368.Property inspections shall be done during daylight hours. Seller and Rural Land Investments in no way make any representations or warranties regarding the conditions of the property, including any and all access routes, and all persons entering upon the property do so at their own risk and accept said property as-is in its existing condition during such inspections. All persons entering upon the property assume all risks and liabilities and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Seller, its affiliates, officers, directors, managers, agents, representatives, and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, injuries (including death) and damages resulting from any accident, incident, or occurrence arising out of, incidental to or in any way resulting from his or her inspection of the property or his or her exposure to the conditions of the property.