Location: The address of the facility is 5430 Putah Creek Road Winters, CA. Please DO NOT TRESPASS!!! Shown by APPOIINTMENT ONLY!
APN#: Solano County APN#: 0107-080-040
Soils: The farm is comprised of 100% class I soils. Please see the attached soils map.
Homes: Main Home: 4 bedroom 2 bathroom 2,500 sqft Home with a detached 3 car garage. Garage is complete with 1,500 sqft of living space on the upper level & a pool house down below.
2nd Home: 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 1,500 sqft home that has been remodeled in the last 5 years.
Office: The office is a 65x60ft retrofitted barn complete with heating/air conditioning & a 2nd level with climate-controlled storage.
Walnut Huller: R12 walnut huller with a 6 ton per hour capacity that was put into service approximately 15 years ago.
In addition to this, there is a R36 huller that is ready to go into the newly constructed building...
In addition to this, there is a R36 huller that is ready to go into the newly constructed building.
Freezers: 3 separate freezers used for organic walnut storage:
Freezer #1: 1,700 Sqft
Freezer #2: 12,000 Sqft
Freezer#3: 12,000 Sqft
Utilities & Layout for an additional 12,000 Sqft Freezer
The freezers have the capacity to hold between 5.5 and 6mmlbs of organic walnuts
Scale: 70 foot 100,000lb onsite truck scale
Buildings: Huller Building: 65 x 60 feet
Processor Building: 10,150 Sqft (with cold storage & employee lounge) with a solar rooftop
Cold Storage Building: 150 x 80 feet
Cold Storage Building: 160 x 75 feet
Silo with the capacity to hold 3.5 millions pounds of walnut shells
60,000 Sqft building that was severely damaged in a fire
Every rooftop is structured to hold solar panels
The entire processing site is built above the flood plain
Future Expansion: Unfinished 63,600 sqft building set up with underground utilities and ducting. The facility is ready for the installation of a larger walnut huller, walnut dryer, and/or prune dipper or other field run tree crop processing equipment complete with an enclosed drive over pit. It also has a shop and an employee lounge inside.
Biomax: The facility has the ability to be 100% energy independent. There are two biomax generators that turn walnut shells into electricity. Additionally, there is a concrete pad complete with utilities to hookup an additional two biomax units. The company operating the generators shut down in 2020, but the ability to get them back up and running is very much a possibility. The heat generated from this process is ducted into the new 63,600 sqft building which would significantly reduce the cost of drying.
Processor: The processor on the Putah Creek Ranch has the capacity to handle 5 million lbs of organic walnuts with a double shift. To date the processor has handled 3.5 million lbs annually. Inventory, industry knowledge, well trained employees, walnut buyers, and the ability to hit the ground running on day 1 are available in this fully operational facility. The facility has security fencing to meet FSMA standards.
Wells: Well#1 is 1,000 feet deep and is sealed to 660 feet for food safety. It is hooked up to a commercial water softener. In addition to servicing the facility the 350 gpm pressure well irrigates the organic walnut orchard.
Well#2 is 400 feet deep and produces 50gpm under pressure. It services the production facility.
Walnuts: 12 Acres Organic Hartleys: 24 x 24 spacing planted in 1980
25 Acres Organic Chandlers: 24 x 24 spacing planted in 1990
15 Acres Organic Hartleys: 24 x 24 spacing planted in 1990
Taxes: The property is enrolled in the Williamson Act and the taxes will be low at the close of escrow
Price: $15,000,000 Price includes all real assets. Inventory & ag equipment are available at an additional cost. Please contact Charter Realty for more info!
Comments: Fully operational organic walnut processing facility. The Putah Creek Ranch is a going concern complete with employees, customers, and an operating facility. The written description doesnt do it justice. You need to take a tour to fully appreciate it.
The address of the facility is 5430 Putah Creek Road Winters, CA. Please DO NOT TRESPASS!!! Shown by APPOIINTMENT ONLY!