Very attractive hunting property that fronts county road approx 1 mile + or -. Deer blinds and feeders will stay! There is water provided for wildlife from pipeline across county road also owned by Seller. Mule Deer, Whitetail, Quail, Dove, Turkey, and several other species of varments on property. Approx 375 acres of minerals out of this 1264 acres will stay with purchase of property.Possible owner financing available!!!!
From Del Rio take Hwy 90 West approx 80 miles to the Pumpville road. You will travel on blacktop for approx 3 miles to Pumpville, cross railroad tracks and continue on County Road for approx 16 miles. These properties for sale are split by the County Road. When you see RE/MAX sign (on right side of county road) you will know you are there. Reminder, land on both sides of County Road are for sale!! Total Acreage for the 2 tracts 2,380.