Pristine Kansas Farmland for Sale
466 acres in Cloud County, KS
Tract #1: 173.15 acres
Address: S6, T8s, R4w, Glasco, KS, 67445
171.39 acres - FSA designated cropland
Tract #2: 293.1 acres
Address: S5, T8s, R4w, Glasco, KS, 67445
280.16 acres - FSA designated cropland
Minerals are believed to be 100% intact and will be sold with the land. Seller will give up possession of the land after the 2016 wheat harvest. Seller will pay the buyer $70 per acre cash for rent on the FSA tillable acres. The 2016 government payment will be paid to the seller.
Wheat: 382.9 acre base - 42 Bu/AC PLC yield
Grain Sorghum: 33.3 acre base - 62 Bu/AC PLC yield
Soybeans: 7.1 acre base - 28 Bu/AC PLC yield
Barley: 0.30 acre base - 44 Bu/AC PLC yield
Tract #1 - From Glasco, head east on US Highway 24 for 1.5 miles, turn north on 65th Rd, drive 1...
Tract #1 - From Glasco, head east on US Highway 24 for 1.5 miles, turn north on 65th Rd, drive 1.25 miles.
Tract #2 - From Glasco, head east on US Highway 24 for 2 miles, turn north on 70th Rd, drive 1 mile.
United Country Crossroads Realty & Auction
Curt Marshall 785-826-0824 | www UCCrossroads com
645 N. Santa Fe Ave, Salina, KS 67401