Prairie Diamond Ranch is 980 acres of excellent South Texas hunting habitat. This gem comes complete with all the components of your own private wildlife refuge and could easily be high fenced to build your own herd. It has the high protein brush necessary to grow big bucks, native grass and cover for quail and turkey, and two seasonal creeks and a pond providing natural paths and water sources for dove, ducks, hogs, coyotes and many other animals. The ranch has several open terraced pastures and endless wide paths cut into the brush allowing for hours of ATV riding across the land. This low fenced property is also ag exempt with cattle pens, some cross fencing, county water throughout, and includes a like-new double-wide cabin for all your hunting buddies to enjoy at the end of the day.
2 miles to I-37, 5 miles to Three Rivers, 70 miles to Corpus Christi, 75 miles to San Anton...
2 miles to I-37, 5 miles to Three Rivers, 70 miles to Corpus Christi, 75 miles to San Antonio, 145 miles to Austin, 215 miles to Houston
980.84 acres mostly covered with bull mesquites, native grasses, mountain laurel, persimmon, prickly pear cactus, and several varieties of high protein South Texas brush including guajillo, granjeno, prickly ash, huisache, lotebush, blackbrush, yaupon, and many more. Along the drainage of the Rock Quarry Branch seasonal creek are several large live oaks, elms, and hackberry trees. A portion of the second seasonal creek has been dammed to create a pond, making a great habitat for several duck species as well as a source of water for the many other types of wildlife. Several water troughs are located throughout the ranch. There are four 100-acre fenced and terraced open pastures with a mix of Bermuda and some buffelgrass intermittently growing throughout. Additionally, there are several places of caliche deposits with most of the soil being comprised of silty and clay loams. Several drivable paths throughout the property make for easy travel access, and there are many 12 ft. wide cut roads along most of the perimeter fence and a few on the interior providing ATV access to each pasture for hunting purposes.
An internal caliche road leads to a 1,450 sq. ft. double-wide hunting cabin, a 1,650 sq. ft. tractor/equipment shed, and a 940 sq. ft. storage barn. A power line runs to the cabin and barn area and a water meter is located at Hwy 72. El Oso Water supplies water for the cabin and water troughs. The ranch is perimeter and cross fenced with an old set of wooden pens and cattle panels in need of some repair. There is a pipeline easement across the front portion of the property running diagonally north and south, and two other smaller pipeline easements cutting the northwest and southeast corners. The hunting blinds and feeders are negotiable.
No mineral rights are conveyed; surface sale only.
Three Rivers ISD, Live Oak County. 2021 taxes were $2,691 with an agricultural tax valuation.
***Buyer Agents must make first contact and be present at all showings to participate in 50% commission split. If this condition is not met, Buyer Agent split is at sole discretion of Grand Land Company.
Intersection of Hwy 72 and CR 235 just NE of Three Rivers