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560 Acres in Goodman, MO - $1,800,000

Ozarks Cattle Ranch

This 560 acre cattle ranch is located only minutes west of Goodman, MO just off of I49. A farm like this doesn't come available very often with the amount of open pasture around 320 acres. The 140 acres of mature hardwoods primarily consists of oak and walnut with a few hickory and sycamore trees. Having 22 ponds and 5 springs is enough water to supply livestock and all the wildlife year round. The grass on this property is very productive and consists of Novel Fescue, Bermuda, clover, and tall fescue. This farm has supported as many as 150 head of cows previously. Wildlife such as deer, turkey, rabbits and squirrels, can all be found on the acreage in abundance. The deer hunting on this property is exceptional and the sellers have seen GIANT whitetails dating back to the early 2000's. For many years this property was used to train world class bird dogs and habitat was created to be cond...

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True North Realty Group

Rogers, AR

(479) 601-1317

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True North Realty Group, (479) 601-1317
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