The Netter Creek Farm is set on 135 acres just minutes outside of Aurora, Oregon and 10 minutes from Interstate-5. The farm is supported by 107 acres of new varietal hazelnuts planted to a 11 ft. x 19 ft. spacing.
The orchard was developed in phases, with 45 acres of Sacajawea planted in 2014 and a second planting of 40 acres of Sacajaweas occurred in 2015. In 2016 a 22 acre block of MacDonalds was planted.
Irrigation is provided from water rights to an on-site reservoir fed from Netter Creek. The system is a Twig wireless automated system on four zones. Moisture content is monitored by two moisture sensors that are connected to the Probe-Schedule mobile application. The system is pressurized by a 25 hp pump.
The orchard was patterned tiled on forty-foot centers. Soils are all high value and rated as Tier 1 for hazelnuts. Approximately 80+% of the soils are Latourell loam with anot...
The orchard was patterned tiled on forty-foot centers. Soils are all high value and rated as Tier 1 for hazelnuts. Approximately 80+% of the soils are Latourell loam with another 10+% in Amity silt loam. This farm is further developed with a harvest staging area, loading dock, equipment storage and a barn.
There are three separate permanent dwellings on the property. The main quarters consists of a 3300 square foot log home built in 1989. This overlooks the reservoir and is situated amongst tall shade trees, surrounded by an expansive lawn. This dwelling is currently rented to long-term tenants who meticulously maintain it. Two other dwellings are also rented to provide a supplemental cash flow. The first is a 2026 square foot home built in 1940. The second is a 1736 square foot home built in 2017.
The Sacajawea and MacDonald varietals are highest value hazelnuts produced in Oregon and have good yields. This orchard is just about to come into maturity and will be an excellent farm for many years.