Camp Onawa & Retreat Center on 106 acres +/- in Chilton County, Alabama off CR 383. Tax Parcel Number 23-02-10-0-000-001.003 for $1,400,000.
The property is a camp/retreat with a cafeteria building with cooking equipment, a rec building adjacent to the pool with male and female shower and bathrooms, storage and workshop buildings, a church, a dorm house, two dwellings, and 22 camp cabins with a total of 49,939 square feet of Gross Building Area (GBA).
Other Features / Amenities
Sanctuaries/Chapel: Yes
Kitchen/Food Prep Area: Yes
Classrooms/Education Space: Yes
Gymnasium/Rec Center: Yes
Multi-Purpose Space: Yes
Structural Characteristics
Foundation: Concrete slab
Building Frame: Wood and masonry
Exterior Walls: Concrete block, wood, metal, vinyl
Roof Type / Material: Gable / Metal
Interior Characteristics
Floors: Concrete, tile, and laminate
Walls: Concrete block, painted drywall, an...
Walls: Concrete block, painted drywall, and wood panels
Ceiling: Acoustical ceiling tile, exposed support joists, and painted drywall
Lighting: Fluorescent and Incandescent
Restrooms: Adequate and typical for the intended use
Mechanical Systems
Electrical: Assumed adequate
Plumbing: Assumed adequate for the intended use
Heating: Mini-split unit
Air Conditioning: Mini-split unit
Site Improvements
Site Improvements: Dirt and gravel roads, walkways, inground pool, fencing, etc.
Landscaping: Average
Legal, Conforming Status
Legally Permitted Use: Yes
Conforms to Parking: Yes
Deferred Maintenance
Deferred maintenance exists; however, many of the buildings have recently been renovated or are currently undergoing renovations. Contact agent to obtain a line item estimate of the cost of materials to complete renovations as provided by the current tenant. Estimated Material cost is $170,000 and total cost between $330,000 to $400,000.
Prospective buyers must obtain their own estimates during the inspection period and John Hall & Company nor owner are responsible for these estimated costs provided in this information package.
Take I-65 to the Verbena Exit (Exit 200), Go West on CR 59 for about 5 miles to CR 24. Take a left on CR 24 for 2.8 miles until you see CR 383. Take a right and in 1/3rd of a mile you will run into the property entrance.