Subject property consists of approximately 607.89 gross acres and 570.4 cropland acres. The entire property has been consistently farmed to rice and various row crops.
The property is located off of County Line Rd. in Colusa County and is approximately 4 miles east of Interstate 5.
The property water source is from the Colusa Drain Mutual Water Company and is lifted from the canal by a 75 horsepower pump. In addition, the property has a efficient return system pump which circulates the water throughout the ranch. There is the availability of quality ground water in the area.
Gas Wells:
The property consists of three (3) gas wells, of which, two (2) are active. Income from existing gas wells is available upon request.
The property lies in an excellent area and flyway for waterfowl and also offers the potential for upland game hunting.
Orchard Potenti...
Orchard Potential:
Subject property has approximately 110 acres that could be developed potentially into orchards.