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Cash Price: $29,999
Option 1: $1 down and $499 a month for 84 months
Option 2: $1 down and $639 a month for 60 months
Option 3: $1 down and $969 a month for 36 months
Parcel Number: 39956200006
County: Collier
State: Florida
Parcel Size: 1.14 acre
Legal Description: LOT:3 BLK:51 UNIT:65 TR#:51 SEC/TWN/RNG/MER:SEC 17 TWN 48 RNG 28 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 65 E 75FT OF TR 51 MAP REF:MAP 3D17
City: Naples
Zip Code: 34120
GPS Center Coordinates: 26.300838, -81.538565
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
26.301713, -81.538680
26.301713, -81.538458
26.299922, -81.538431
26.299919, -81.538659
Elevation: 13 ft.
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved
Zoning: E : Estates Zoning District
Terrain: Level
Time limit: None
Tax Amount: $150.39
HOA: None
Water: Contact the county
Sewer: Contact the county
Power: In the area
Doc Fee: $300