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20 Acres in Mount Shasta, CA - $3,500

Mount Shasta CA 20 acre Gold & Gem Mining Claim Creek Financing



This is a legally registered, unpatented 20 acre gold and gem placer Mining Claim for sale, the Cabin Meadow Creek #6, with the Cabin Meadow Creek running all the way thru the claim for over 660 feet.

This area is also known for gems, and we found some smoky quartz up the mountain ridge on the claim.

Cabin Meadow Creek flows into the Shasta River and the majestic Mount Shasta is nearby.

The creek has several bends being good places for gold being deposited,

Flatter, open camping areas are on the claim.

The town of Mount Shasta 39 miles SE has all necessities as well as the town of Weed, 30 miles NE.

The majestic Mount Shasta is 18 east and Mt. Eddy Mountain is 6 miles SE.

Is a good sign here that north of our claims is a patented claim going back years.

See further down the listing the buy...

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From town of Weed:

From Weed, take I-5 North to Exit 751 (Edgewood Rd) Turn left and go under the highway, then a right (north) on Old Stage Rd / HWY 99. Follow it for 7.3 miles to Gazelle and turn left onto GazelleCallahan Rd. Follow it for 11.4 miles, up over the pass and then take a left onto County Road. This is a dirt road but its a pretty good one. Follow it 7.1 miles to Cabin Meadow Creek and the Claim. At mile 1.0 you will continue straight past the arrow. At Mile 2.7 you will cross the North Branch of Mountain House Creek. At mile 3.7 you will cross the South Branch of Mountain House Creek. At Mile 4.5 you will arrive at Cabin Meadow Creek.

Then follow GPS coordinates below to the claim.

From town of Mount Shasta:

Take I-5 North out of the town of Mount Shasta,

Take Exit 751 to left, West, on Old Highway 99 to West on Gazette Callahan Road,

to left, East, on Rail Creek Road at 41.3871, -122.6796

to left, East, on a National Forest dirt road at 41.3573, -122.64226

Stay on this same road that turns North at Rock Fence Creek at 41.3563, -122.6252

then East at 41.3671, -122.6243

to final North at 41.3647, -122.6140

then following the GPS coordinates below to the claim.

From town of Mount Shasta 2nd route:

Take I-5 North out of the town of Mount Shasta,

Take Exit 751 to left, West, on Old Highway 99 to West on Gazette Callahan Road,

to left, East, on a National Forest dirt road at 41.3571, -122.6428

this road then goes North at Rock Fence Creek at 41.3563, -122.6253

and continue to the NE at 41.3652, -122.6271

Take a left,North, at 41.3647, -122.6140 that crosses Cabin Meadow Creek,

then about 1/2 mile to the claim following the GPS coordinates below to the claim.

See road maps and satellite views with the pictures.

Is 39 miles from the town of Mount Shasta to the claim.

Is about 30 miles from the town of Weed to the claim,

GPS Coordinates:

Cabin Meadow Creek #6

NW 41.3720, -122.6241

NE 41.3720, -122.6218

SW 41.3684, -122.6241

SE 41.3684, -122.6218

Contact Seller
Gold & Gem Mining Claims 4 Sale

Mentor, OH

(440) 225-5991

Provided By

Gold & Gem Mining Claims 4 Sale, (440) 225-5991
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