This is a legally registered, unpatented 20 acre gold and gem placer Mining Claim for sale, the Parks Creek #1, with Parks Creek running all the way thru the claim for over 660 feet.
This area is also known for gems, and we found some smoky quartz up the mountain ridge on the claim.
See further down the listing the Buying Process and my owner financing offered.
See with the top pictures maps and satellite views.
Click on the top listing picture then arrow right to see all.
We feel we are selling more than the gold and minerals on beautiful land.
You would be acquiring an experience that will give you a good feel for what the old time prospectors must have felt during the days of the original California Gold Rush.
A mining claim is an affordable way to en...
A mining claim is an affordable way to enjoy the beauty of the land combined with the adventure of panning for gold.
The large amount of snowfall and rain this year has prospectors anticipating on the snowfall melt, gold and gems being washed down from the mountains onto the land and creeks in record fashion.
Parks creek flows into the Shasta River and the majestic Mount Shasta is nearby.
The creek has several bends being good places for gold being deposited,
Camping is off the road into a couple of open areas.
This claim is for those who want more privacy located on a side road off of the main road.
The town of Mount Shasta 23 miles SE has all necessities as well as the town of Weed, 14 miles NE.
The majestic Mount Shasta is only 14 east and Mt. Eddy Mountain is just 4 miles SE.
National Forests remained open at all times during the virus with a televised invitation by the Director for families to visit them as safe places for family recreation, making our mining claims some of the safest places for your family to enjoy and get away from all the nonsense.
Our claims here are in the Klamath Mountains, part of the Sierra Nevada Range.
Most of the gold mined in Siskiyou County has been from placer mining claims, as ours is also a placer claim. Gold production of Siskiyou County from 1880 through 1959 was 1,773,000 ounces.
Siskiyou County has certainly earned its reputation as being one of the most productive areas for gold mining in the US. Lying at the heart of the famous Northern Mines, Siskiyou County has had over 370 gold mines in its history dating back to roughly 1850.
Although known for its gold production, California is a virtual haven for rock and gem collectors.
Rockhounding is the recreational collecting of rocks and/or mineral specimens from their natural environment. Recreational gold panning is a popular type of rockhounding in California.
California is an extraordinary state for rockhounding.
Geological forces have created one of the widest varieties of rocks and minerals found in any state.
California was the first state to designate an official state rock.
California designated native gold as the state mineral in 1965.
California minerals including Agate and Crystals are on many lands,
Rockhounding Clubs are organized throughout the state.
To purchase our claim, the process would be, I would need your name(s) and mailing address and which payment option you choose, where I would scan and email you a signed contract.
Total price of $3000, that can be paid in one full payment where your ownership is then transferred after receiving payment,
or $3000, paying $1000 for 3 months,
or $3000, paying $500 for 6 months.
A $99 deed processing fee is paid with final payment..
Owner financing, No credit check. No interest charged.
No down payment.
You can use the claim as yours while making monthly payments.
Ownership transfer after final monthly payment.
A signed contract will precede payment.
Gold prices reached an all time high of $2000 per ounce:
This is a 20 acre unpatented, gold mining placer claim, the Parks Creek #1, in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. The claim is legally registered with the Bureau of Land Management out of Sacramento and the Siskiyou County Recorder. You own the mineral rights, not sharing with others, on the 20 acres, and use your 20 acres, recreationally for camping and prospecting in an awesome, beautiful area.
I am a retired teacher, and got into prospecting as a hobby with my family.
I am 72 and my wife 69, and we have gained the experience to select the best areas to locate claims.
For the possibility of putting something like a yurt or constructing any building you or others could live in, you need to file a Plan of Operation with the BLM for approval, though anything for full time living is doubtful.
You do not need a plan, permission nor a permit to camp and prospect.
You do not need to be a full time prospector to file a Plan for a shed type structure.
Now that we have located the claim, you never have to declare to the BLM any gold or gems you find. You can prospect as little or as much as you choose.
If within one year you are not satisfied with your claim, you can trade for another comparable claim, just paying the BLM and County transfer fees which will be about $125.
Claim buyer will also receive a new, free, Gold Panning Kit:
One 14 inch Gold Trap pan; One 10.5 inch Gravity Trap pan, One combination sifter/classifier with 7/16 of an inch exit holes, One Gold Guzzler snuffer bottle, One Tweezers/ Magnifying Glass combo tool.
Camp on your claim and a claim owner does not need permission nor a permit to camp and prospect.
Mining Claims as an investment: if you purchase a claim from us, at no charge, I would help you if you ever decided to sell in the future.
Mining Claims are a great investment, as claims go up in value over time, just as land does.
Owning a mining claim is having access to a lifetime of great family fun and recreation, in a very beautiful, natural setting.
With an approved BLM Plan of Operation, a building could be built on the land: any building that benefits and improves the claim.
Current usage, is what the BLM calls, Casual Use: panning, shovel, rock hammer, metal detector.
On our visits to the claim, we gathered in and around the creek, approx. 1/8 of an ounce of gold, being worth about $225. As the BLM does not specify the amount of gold to be found to locate a claim other than gold needs to be discovered, we use this amount for a 20 acre claim as a projection of good gold potential. Someone with more time may find more.
Gold prices are over $1900/ounce. Though we could never guarantee what you will find, we did locate this claim in an historical area for gold prospecting.
Gold prices have gone up $400 in 3 years.
We also found some nice crystal specimens up the mountain ridge, as is also a good place for gem prospecting.
You are allowed to post No Trespassing for Prospecting signs around the claim.
A mining claim owner may limit or restrict public recreational use of/or public access across claims or portions of claims that are actively used for prospecting, mining, or processing operations where public recreational use of a claim would endanger or materially interfere with legitimate mining pursuits.
20 acres = 660 ft. x 1320 ft.
Above it all atop California lies a destination beyond the ordinarya place uniquely touched by all four seasons, shaped by rich local pride and watched over by a legendary mountain. Wander above and experience adventure how it was meant to bewild, pure and untamed. With four unique regions to explore, no two stories are the same.Embark on your exploration of Siskiyou County today and discover the four-season outdoor adventures in Californias northern boundary.
The panoramic beauty of Siskiyou County is home to many varieties of wildlife, flora and fauna. Dominating the landscape is the friendly giant, majestic Mt. Shasta (summit elevation 14,162'). Covered in snow year round, the mountain provides quiet respite from a hectic life.
Nearby Lake Shastina provides a heavenly place to ski, hike, camp, fish and golf while also offering a place for peaceful reflection.
For thousands of years Native Americans of the Shasta, Klamath, Pit, Modoc and Wintu tribes utilized the abundant natural resources of the Mount Shasta area. The first Europeans arrived in about 1820 when trappers came here for fur bearing animals. Silver and gold brought miners to this area after 1851, and when the railroad laid tracks through Strawberry Valley in 1887, the timber industry got underway.
Today, outdoor loversfrom extreme sports enthusiasts to family vacationers and retireesare enjoying the vast recreational opportunities the Mount Shasta region has to offer.
The town of Mount Shasta is one of Northern Californias fastest growing new locations for destination vacationing, from luxury resort retreats to wilderness camping.
A transfer of ownership is a sale of legal, exclusive ownership of a mining claim site. To be a legally recorded claim, gold had to be found on the claim, which was completed by me, as I am the original claim locator.
Nearby Mount Eddy is the highest mountain in the Eddys (a subrange of the Klamath Mountains), the highest point in Trinity County. Mt. Eddy was named after Olive Paddock Eddy, the first woman to climb Mt. Shasta. Mount Eddys biggest attributes are its solitude, beautiful surroundings, a relatively painless route up a majestic peak.
Lake Siskiyou is at the foot of the Trinity Divide and is fed by five mountain streams. The crystalline lake has all the perfect ingredients for a summer vacationwarm water for swimming, miles of sandy shoreline, and plentiful rainbow and brown trout.
Mount Shasta, soaring to 14,179 feet high, this magnificent volcano scrapes the turquoise-blue sky, and can be viewed from almost anywhere in the northern part of the state. And while some mountains climb gradually, this one rises from surrounding flatlands in such perfect, cone-shaped, snow-capped majesty that it seems almost unreal.
Your ownership is legally conveyed via a Quit Claim deed, and legally recorded with the BLM and Siskiyou County. A Quit Claim deed is the required legal document per the BLM.
Each year, on or before September 1st, you need to file a simple form with the Bureau of Land Management, along with $165. By doing this, you keep the claim forever.
You must be a current US citizen with a US address to own a mining claim in the US.
The fee for the next claim year has been paid, not due again until Sept. 1, 2024.
County taxes of $60 are due in the Spring 2023.
An unpatented mining claim is a specific parcel of federal land, valuable for a specific mineral deposit or deposits. It is a parcel for which an individual has asserted a legal right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit.
Mining claims are real property that you can buy, sell, or inherit. After proving the existence of valuable minerals on the land, the claim is legally recorded with the Bureau of Land Management and Siskiyou County.
Your 20 acres is the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 28, Township 41 North, Range 6 West, Mount Diablo Base Line and Meridian, known as the Parks Creek #1 mining claim, about 23 miles NW of the town of Mount Shasta, California.
Take I-5 North out of the town of Mount Shasta,
Take Exit 751 to Springs Road West
to National Forest Road 42N17,
The claim is accessed via the Caldwell Lakes Trail, with trail head at 41.3821, -122.5350,
where a higher clearance vehicle is recommended.
then following the GPS coordinates below to the claim.
See road maps with the pictures.
Is about 23 miles from the town of Mount Shasta to the claim.
Is about 14 miles from the town of Weed to the claim,
GPS Coordinates:
Parks Creek #1
NW 41.3784, -122.5412
NE 41.3784, -122.5390
SW 41.3748, -122.5412
SE 41.3748, -122.5390
The claim location monument has a 4 foot wooden post with an attached copy of the Location Notice, as required by the State of California.
Parks Creek running through the claim is a unique advantage for gold prospecting. It is a tributary of the gold rich Shasta River.
Gold always occurs in gravels in the metallic state and when so found has various physical characteristics. Gold is dense and heavy, it has a characteristic metallic color, and it is soft and easily malleable (it is easily formed by hammering). These are the characteristics used by prospectors to identify gold in the field.
Placer gold occurs on the claim as small grains derived from gossan formed by weathering, and oxidation of the gold, copper and iron rich veins. Gold also occurs as grains flakes and small nuggets derived from the erosion of mineralized fault zones on, and upstream from the claim.
Additional Features:
Great fishing in all of Siskiyou County.
Flatter areas for camping.
Beautiful Rock specimens for you Rock Hounds
Located in one of the most beautiful mountain areas in the US.
The Federal Government owns the land.
You are purchasing the mineral rights.
You can legally camp, with camper and RV use of the whole 20 acres.
Prospect, explore, and camp on the whole 20 acres.
To purchase our claim, the process would be, I would need your name(s) and mailing address and which payment option you choose, where I would scan and email you a signed contract.
Total price of $3000, that can be paid in one full payment where your ownership is then transferred after receiving payment,
or $3000, paying $1000 per month for 3 months.
or $3000, paying $500 per month for 6 months.
A $99 deed processing fee is paid with final payment.
Owner financing, No credit check. No interest charged.
No down payment.
You can use the claim as yours while making monthly payments.
Ownership transfer after final monthly payment.
A signed contract will precede payment.
After receiving your final payment, your ownership of the 20 acre claim will be legally recorded with the Bureau of Land Management and Siskiyou County.
This is not a sharing with others of your 20 acre claim.
We live in Ohio. Our connection to the West is our daughter lives in Denver, though she is not involved with our claims.
We visited here in September then traveled to California to prospect and locate claims, as we have been doing for a number of years.
And just a note of encouragement for you if purchase:
My wife and I have located, prospected on, and sold mining claims in
California, Colorado, & Arizona, going on now for over 25 years.
You can trust we will process your notarized deeds correctly and quickly.
In that mining claims are processed thru the Bureau of Land Management, a
Federal Govt. agency, not following thru per our legally signed contract, would be a federal crime. I certainly will do what I say, and would never put myself nor my wife
in any legal jeopardy.
Also, we have sold properties on 4 sites online for over 25 years:
Landsalelistings, Landwatch, LandsofAmerica, and LandandFarm.
Our continued good status on these sites is due to our always following thru, as just one time we would not, we would not be allowed to sell on these sites ever again.
"We visited and panned on our claim creek in Colorado this past June and had a wonderful time. Were very pleased with the location and the claim itself."
"We have been to our mining claim in California that we purchased from you last year. The area is stunningly beautiful, and we couldn't be happier with our purchase."
"Living in Arizona, the mining claim we purchased from you has added greatly to our family outings. We are finding gold in the wash on our claim most every visit.
Thank you so much!"
Take I-5 North out of the town of Mount Shasta,
Take Exit 751 to Springs Road West
to National Forest Road 42N17,
The claim is accessed via the Caldwell Lakes Trail, with trail head at 41.3821, -122.5350,
where a higher clearance vehicle is recommended.
then following the GPS coordinates below to the claim.
See road maps with the pictures.
Is about 23 miles from the town of Mount Shasta to the claim.
Is about 14 miles from the town of Weed to the claim,
GPS Coordinates:
Parks Creek #1
NW 41.3784, -122.5412
NE 41.3784, -122.5390
SW 41.3748, -122.5412
SE 41.3748, -122.5390