173 Acres+/- Freeborn County, MN
Listing Price: $5,715/acre or $990,000
Driving Directions: From I-35 take Exit 2, head West on Co Rd 5 to Co Rd 18 South for about 2 miles, farm on both sides of the road.
Total Deeded Acres: 173.22
PID #: 030330020
Legal Description: NW of section 33 Freeman Township in Freeborn County, MN T-101-N R-21-W
Latitude/Longitude: 43 30 34.49 -93 21 43.35
Real Estate Taxes: $7,834
Total Cropland Acres: 146.93 Acres
Corn Base Acres: 105.6 PLC Yield: 144 bu
Soybean Base Acres: 41.3 PLC Yield: 39 bu
CPI Soil Rating: 86.3
Classifications: NHEL
CRP Acres: 0
From I-35 take Exit 2, head West on Co Rd 5 to Co Rd 18 South for about 2 miles, farm on both sides of the road.