McPherson County 47 is located in the Southwest corner of Leola, SD. The McPherson County Farm Service Agency records indicate 47.7 +/- acres are considered cropland. Soil maps indicate very productive soils predominantly consisting of Williams-Bowbells loams and Williams-Niobell loams. The property averages an overall Productivity Index (CPI) of 87.0. This property has been farmed on a corn/soybean rotation and is leased for 2024 season.
The perimeter of the property is not fenced. No warranties about the location of the property lines will be made in relationship to the deeded property lines. Property is being sold based on boundaries shown on the legal description. Boundaries shown on accompanying maps are approximate based on the legal description and may not indicate a survey. Maps are not to scale and are for visual aid only. Their accuracy is not guaranteed.