McDonald Farm 3 is located along Highway 297, 3 miles south of I-16 at Exit 20 and approximately 10 miles north of Vidalia, GA.
The property offers an unusually high percentage of upland soils suitable for most applications. Currently it is being managed as a productive tree farm with both Longleaf and Loblolly plantations, established in 2017. The topography has a gentle roll which provides a picturesque setting for multiple permanent residence or a weekend retreat. The eastern and southern boundary is bordered by a spring-fed creek, this provides a natural border and creates a diverse habitat for wildlife. Extensive highway frontage along 297 and Pendelton Springs Road allows for easy access and division into smaller mini-farms or residential sites.
Road Frontage
Close Proximity to I-16
Frontage Along Long Creek
Longleaf & Loblolly Plantations
High Percentage of Upland Soil...
High Percentage of Upland Soils