34 Acres! Plenty of room for a big garden, crops, farm animals, and for hunting. Hard to beat this price! Better act fast or this one will be gone. Five chicken houses as follows. One chicken house is 40 x 500, Three chicken houses are 40 x 400, One chicken house is 40 x 370, a total of 82,800 Square Feet. There's another old chicken house too that's used for storage but maybe it could be torn down and replaced with a new one on the same pad? Check with the county about that possibility. Was upgraded to Mountaire specs when the current owner bought this farm. Since then he also added concrete pads. Check with your company to see what they might want upgraded now. Comes with a four bedroom doublewide and an older, stick-built, home that needs a lot of work but might be salvageable. Has a two car detached garage too. Don't wait. Hard to beat at this price.
From Rt. 404, south on Rt. 16, left on American Corner, Right on Statum, then left on Laurel Grove Road. Couple of miles down on the left. See number on mail box.