Incredible oppotunity! 160 acres ofland only tenminutes out of town in a general elk hunting district. No applying for special permits in the area. Purchase your bull elk tag over the counter for both archery and general season (September - November).You wont be able sleep at night in September and October due to the bull elk bugling back and forth.This property is accessed year-roundoff of a paved and maintained county road, and borders thousands of acres of public land. There is no shortage of elk and other wildlife roaming a nice mix of timbered hills and open grassy meadows. Great potential forincredible hunting retreat conveniently located close to town. All you have to do is build your dream hunting cabin on one of several good building sites. A spring runs through large portion of the property. Two additional adjacent 160 acre parcels also available and can be purchased additional...
Incredible oppotunity! 160 acres ofland only tenminutes out of town in a general elk hunting district. No applying for special permits in the area. Purchase your bull elk tag over the counter for both archery and general season (September - November).You wont be able sleep at night in September and October due to the bull elk bugling back and forth.This property is accessed year-roundoff of a paved and maintained county road, and borders thousands of acres of public land. There is no shortage of elk and other wildlife roaming a nice mix of timbered hills and open grassy meadows. Great potential forincredible hunting retreat conveniently located close to town. All you have to do is build your dream hunting cabin on one of several good building sites. A spring runs through large portion of the property. Two additional adjacent 160 acre parcels also available and can be purchased additionally for a combined 480 acres.
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