Nice country property - almost end of road privacy - plenty of quiet time and dark night skies.
Set up for an animal operation.
Four separate fenced traps.
Several small sheds.
Perimeter fenced - four foot ranch fencing.
Licensed septic system installed 2009.
Water well drilled 2007. 280' deep. 9 GPM.
Underground electricity and telephone.
Very pretty land, nice Live Oaks (some dead - need to be removed), virtually no cedar.
Level-to-gentle sloping terrain, good soil and grass cover.
RV pad and a modular double-wide pad.
There is an electrical power line easement across the northwest corner - Realtor's opinion that it does not adversely affect this property.
Larger ranch property to the east, north, and south.
Paved county road ends just past this property - virtually no traffic except a few neighbors.
Harper School District.
Minimal restrictions - No POA.
Taxes $14 - agriculture exempte...
Taxes $14 - agriculture exempted.
Come and take a look!!
24 miles north of Kerrville.
26 miles west of Fredericksburg.
Three miles north of Harper.
From Harper take Hwy. 783 north off Hwy. 290, for a distance of 1.7 miles.
Turn right at Longhorn Ranch entrance (Concho Trail) and go to the STOP sign.
Turn right (E. Kroll Road) and go almost to the end - my FOR SALE sign straight ahead at the near end of the pavement.