This property is being offered with 3 other parcels as: Lisco Pivots and Range The Southwest Quarter of Section Twelve, Township Nineteen North, Range Forty-seven; Part of the East Half of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter Section Eleven, Township Nineteen North, Range Forty-seven more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a point on the East lien of said Southeast Quarter of Section Eleven, 486.4 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Section 11; thence at right angles West 212.0 feet Thence North, parallel with said East line SE1/4, 1651.0 feet; thence at right angles East 212.0 feet to said East line SE1/4 at a point 480.0 feet South of the Northeast corner of said SE1/4; thence South on said East line 1651.0 feet, to the point of beginning, comprising 8.035 acres more or less. All West of the 6th P.M., Morrill County, Nebraska. Taxes: $4,593.72