Attention All Nut's a farm in one of the best water districts in the whole state. With unique senior water rights in the Delta, good-quality water and low water costs, it's hard to beat Reclamation District 2068 (RD 2068). Liberty Farm contains 79.67 acres with about 75 acres that have been recently prepped for orchard plantation. Much of the heavy lifting has been completed. With a thumbs up on soil analysis, the owner commenced sub-soil operations, ripping 2x at over 5 feet to break up clay and then the fields were laser-leveled. The soil has been amended with applications of gypsum and compost. The owner has paused in orchard lay-out to give a buyer the opportunity to determine their best option (the owner's vision is pistachios). The irrigation sys has been designed. PG & E has queued up to install power to pumping stations and a well-driller consulted in the event own...
Attention All Nut's a farm in one of the best water districts in the whole state. With unique senior water rights in the Delta, good-quality water and low water costs, it's hard to beat Reclamation District 2068 (RD 2068). Liberty Farm contains 79.67 acres with about 75 acres that have been recently prepped for orchard plantation. Much of the heavy lifting has been completed. With a thumbs up on soil analysis, the owner commenced sub-soil operations, ripping 2x at over 5 feet to break up clay and then the fields were laser-leveled. The soil has been amended with applications of gypsum and compost. The owner has paused in orchard lay-out to give a buyer the opportunity to determine their best option (the owner's vision is pistachios). The irrigation sys has been designed. PG & E has queued up to install power to pumping stations and a well-driller consulted in the event owner decides to add groundwater pumping to supplement surface water. We have a short window before the owner must resume their preparations.
There is $6,400 per month in cash flow from an established farmstead with two updated dwellings that rent for a combined $5,100/month and a 2,400 sf steel bldg. on slab rents for $1,300/month. Other out-buildings are currently used by owner for farm storage. The building complex has domestic water from a private well and multiple sanitary septic systems. The shop has 400 amp service panel.
Water, water, water...RD 2068 is within the greater Sacramento Delta which has unique water rights in a local slough which are protected by the landmark 1981 North Delta Settlement Contract (Within North Delta Water Agency). Under the 1981 Contract, the Dept. of Water Resources (DWR) is obligated to furnish water from the State Water Project to lands within the NDWA. By example, in 2021, the State imposed Curtailment Orders to post-1914 water users throughout the Sacramento River watershed but water users in NDWA were allowed to continue pumping. Water costs are scheduled at $16.50/acre foot and has been unlimited. There are over 13,000 acres in RD 2068 and they use a gravity system to distribute water to fields. The RD 2068 annual O & M water budget is an additional $15.50/acre.
Bring your vision (almonds) or continue with the pistachio program the owner sees for the property. Get a running head start on your plantation. Time to strike is now.
The property is situated between Vacaville, Dixon and Rio Vista and just a short-drive to shopping and commercial services to Vacaville or Dixon. From Interstate 80 use the Midway Road exit and proceed 9.5 miles east; Turn R (south) on Bulkley Rd. for about 1 mile; Turn L (east) on King Rd. for 1/4 mile; Turn R (south) on Liberty Island Rd. and proceed 1/2 mile to property.