Lanier Farms is located in Southwestern Colorado in an areathat is filled with farms and hunting grounds. Dove Creek the closest town with limited amenities, is the county seatof Dolores County and is the self-proclaimed Pinto Bean Capital of the World.Cortez is 20 miles away providing a wide array of amenities including anairport, hospital, Walmart, grocery stores, and restaurants.
Lanier Farms is made up of several parcels, some contiguousand some not contiguous. The 3,821.73 acres consist of irrigated and dryfarmland, Pinions, sagebrush, oak brush, and natural grasses. The irrigatedfarmland is approximately 286 acres with 562 allocated acre-feet of water,according to the Dolores Water Conservancy District. Irrigation is done with a sideroll sprinklersystem, and crop production can include alfalfa and pinto beans. Dryland cropscan also be found on the farm in alfalfa, pinto beans, and...
Lanier Farms is made up of several parcels, some contiguousand some not contiguous. The 3,821.73 acres consist of irrigated and dryfarmland, Pinions, sagebrush, oak brush, and natural grasses. The irrigatedfarmland is approximately 286 acres with 562 allocated acre-feet of water,according to the Dolores Water Conservancy District. Irrigation is done with a sideroll sprinklersystem, and crop production can include alfalfa and pinto beans. Dryland cropscan also be found on the farm in alfalfa, pinto beans, and winter wheat. A2,360 square foot farmhouse is located on this part of the farm, along withmultiple infrastructure/outbuildings, including corrals and fencing.
Approximately 12 miles from the farmland is the huntingparcel of the farm. This parcel offersan off-grid hunting cabin for sleeping, and a shop which houses the kitchen anddining facilities. The topography of the hunting parcel is rolling hills andcanyons. Stock tanks can be found throughout the parcels, fed by snow runoff.The property borders forest service land situated on the ridge overlooking theDolores River. The upper hunting land can hold up to 60 pair of cattle forgrazing.
The hunting parcel is located in GMU 711 and the farmlandparcel is located in GMU 72. GMU 711 isa draw unit for 1st and 4th seasons for bull elk, 2nd and 3rd are over thecounter. Land ownership in this unit is38% private, 62% public, and covers 819 square miles. Species that can be foundin this unit are elk, deer, pronghorn, black bear, lion, and turkey. GMU 72 isover the counter for bull elk. Landownership in this unit is 72% private, 28% public, and covers 977 square miles.