Location: Lake LBJ Ranch is in Llano County, Texas off County Road 302. Its 80 miles to Austin, Texas, 100 miles to San Antonio, Texas. Its 20 miles by car and 12miles by boat to Horseshoe Bay, Texas.
Description: The ranch is easy to get around on with a good road system and gentle terrain. The bulk of the ranch is composed of decomposed granite gravel soil with several impressive granite outcrops. A 50 acre improved grass field in the Northern part of the ranch is all chocolate loam soil. The field has sat dormant for a few years but could be restored with little effort. In the Northeast corner near the field is a small chunk of Long Mountain providing impressive views to the South and Southeast.
There are numerous Live Oak groves and Shinnery Oaks throughout. Tasajillo, prickly pear, mesquite, cedar, bee brush, and persimmon are all present but not overbearing.
Water: There are 5 draws t...
Water: There are 5 draws that eventually make their way to the Colorado River/Lake LBJ. Spreader dams were built in numerous locations throughout the ranch along the draws and most of them are relatively shallow. When they are holding water, there are approximately 75 small(1/4 acre or less) to medium sized ponds spread throughout the ranch. There are several places that have potential to create larger ponds/lakes.
An impressive 720 +/ feet of the ranch fronts on the highly desirable passthrough lake, Lake LBJ, which lies on the Colorado River (according to the Lower Colorado River Authority, a pass through lake is a lake that lies in between two large reservoirs and water is passed through them depending on storage demands both up and downstream). While the LCRA does not label them constant level, the result is that a large majority of the year, if not all year, the pass through lakes do maintain an almost constant level making them highly desirable for recreation in Texas where most lake levels rise and fall depending on rainfall amounts.
Improvements: There is an 840 sq. ft. two bedroom, 1 bath ranch house in the North Central portion of the ranch. A small barn and storage shed are near the house. A water well is also nearby powered by and electric submersible pump. Near the field is a windmill well and additional well is located on the Northern portion of the ranch and it, too, is powered by an electric submersible pump. Electricity to the ranch is provided by Central Texas Electric Coop.